Why I Hate Planned Parenthood Part Three

It’s my body. I can do with it whatever I want.

This is often scrawled on posters and thrown from the throats of protesters: the pro-choice people.

You do have the right to do to your body whatever you want. But you’re not harming yourself. You’re killing a vulnerable human being. A tiny one. An innocent one.

President Trump defunded Planned Patenthood on a national level in April 2018, leaving it up to individual states decide if they want to support abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood.

Now, for the last three weeks, the country has been flooded with pics and audio of congressional hearings on Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s latest nominee for the Supreme Court. I won’t bore you with everything he was alleged to have done as a teenager.  Lord help us all, right, if we were judged by what we may or may not have done in the ’80s?

Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed, as of this Saturday.

As I said in an earlier post about why I hate Planned Parenthood, I know the ads for them on my site are a desperate plea. Here’s another: I beg you to not give anything to Planned Parenthood, not your support, not your time, not your money.  They kill babies.

That’s why I hate Planned Parenthood.

Why I Hate Planned Parenthood Part Two

Margaret Sanger was not only the founder of Planned Parenthood,  but also a racist. She believed the world needed to be purged of ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities. In 1926 she spoke to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey. 

Read an informative article in americamagazine.org. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Why are we still celebrating her? written by John J. Coney


Why I Hate Planned Parenthood

WordPress, even though I have contacted their admiminstators about removing the Planned Parenthood ad from my blog site, continues to place it above my and sometimes below my posts.

So, get ready. Every time I see the ad is on my site theexileskitchen.com – a site I have paid for, btw- I am going to give a reason why I hate Planned Parenthood.

They kill babies. Human babies.

Planned Parenthood hides behind the guise of women’s health issues: pap smears,  mammograms,  birth control. I would be fine with the afore mentioned, if that’s all they provided. I wouldn’t mind my hard earned tax dollars going to help poor women get the medical care they needed. I stop at the killing of unborn children.

I know that the ads placed on my blog site are not random. Appointing another conservative judge to the U.S. Supreme Court is most likely the reason for the ramped up ads.

Health care, yes. Killing the unborn, no.

Add On My Blog Site

I apologize if any of you have seen an add for Planned Parenthood on my blog site theexileskitchen.  I do not support that organization. Children are precious and, where they may come at inopportune times in our overly selfish lives, I would never condone getting ‘rid’  of a baby.

I had a miscarriage 22 years ago. The hospital bill came to me with the treatment listed as a dnc due to a spontaneous abortion. Yes, that is what happened, but the word abortion is so negatively charged, and rightly so, that it wounded me a second time.

I wanted every baby I was pregnant with. God gave me 3 sons here on earth. One child waits for me in heaven. And some day in God’s timimg, I will meet that beautiful child.

I am hurt and appalled that the Planned Parenthood ad was foisted onto my blog site. Again, I did not request it, nor do I ask you to contribute to them. I dont know who to talk to to have it removed. And I pray that you, the readers of theexileskitchen,  do not believe for one second that I approve of that organization.

There are Crisis Pregnancy Centers all over the country. If you find yourself with an unplanned pregnancy, contact them, not Planned Parenthood.  In the Pike County area in Mississippi their phone number is 601-684-3987 and they are located at 406 Delaware Ave, McComb, MS 39648.

Matthew 19:14

Psalm 139:14

God, bless the children and forgive the wicked practice of killing the unborn.