I Fried My Breakfast

Just as I was getting supper ready last night, the power went out. I had my mouth all set for homemade tacos and “sopaipillas,” but I wound up eating Oreos and ice cream. The power came back on at bedtime, so I just put tacos on hold for Saturday. But when I woke up this morning, I thought about the tortillas I was going to fry for dessert last night. Why not fry them up for breakfast? So, I did.

Using an iron skillet, I melted coconut oil over medium heat. The skillet was big enough to fry the small tortillas two at a time. They drained on paper towels, then were sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. I dressed my plate with lite whip topping , a drizzle of local honey, and a ration of bacon.

I’m kinda glad the power went out.

Blessings from the Exile’s Kitchen. 

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