Peaches and Puttering Around

I went to the McComb Farmer’s Market Thursday, looking for bell peppers. Love stuffed peppers! Local honey and fresh peaches is what I came away with.


Peach preserves? Peach cobbler? Peach pie filling? I decided I’d make peach butter.  For one pint, only three ingredients: 5 large, pitted peaches, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water. No need to peel your peaches.


I had enough peaches to make about 6 pints. In an 8 quart pot, I simmered the peaches and water till tender.




Here’s a tip; vent the lid on your 8 quart pot or you will be cleaning up a big mess. Big stcky mess.

After the peaches were tender, I let it cool slightly and then pureed with an immersion blender. Bringing the  puree back to a simmer, I stirred in the sugar. Cooking at a gentle boil till the mixture thickened, I stirred it often to keep it from burning or sticking. When it was thick enough to coat the back of a spoon without running off, I poured the peach butter into sterilized canning jars, sealed and process them in a water bath canner for 10 minutes.


As you can see, I used different sized jars. It’s the end of canning season for me, so I filled what I had. It’s been a fun spring and summer, stocking the pantry.

Its taken two years of renovations to make my farmhouse livable and comfortable. Now, on Saturdays I can putter around.

I’ve told y’all before that I didn’t start drinking coffee till I was fifty. Late bloomer, I know. Coffee, however, has turned into a morning must. A well stocked drawer of coffee accoutrements-and, you know- “Coffee Time”. Plus, with coffee supplies arranged in a drawer, it frees up counter space.


This drawer had held kitchen papers and freezer bags, but I cleared it out to just have coffee stuff. The adjacent drawer was the junk drawer- every appliance manual, miscellaneous hardware, twist ties- those got moved to the bottom drawer and kitchen papers were placed in that space. Neat and tidy, just don’t ever open the bottom drawer…

Let’s see… putter-putter. I’ve got homemade clotted cream setting up in the frig. Manna from heaven. Smear it on a biscuit and then top with peach butter. Oh, yes!

I picked lots of hot peppers and a few figs. Thinking about braving the heat and starting on sanding and painting a cabinet that will return to its original wall mount. I said I was thinking about starting.

Life is peachy, nowadays. (Oo, groan)

Blessings from the Exile’s Kitchen.